來源:https://www.nintendo.co.jp/corporate/release/en/2024/240919.html September 19, 2024 To Whom It May Concern The Pokemon Company Nintendo Co., Ltd. Nintendo Co., Ltd. (HQ: Kyoto, Minami-ku, Japan; Representative Director and P resident: Shuntaro Furukawa, “Nintendo” hereafter), together with The Pokemo n Company, filed a patent infringement lawsuit in the Tokyo District Court aga inst Pocketpair, Inc. (HQ: 2-10-2 Higashigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, “Defen dant” hereafter) on September 18, 2024. This lawsuit seeks an injunction against infringement and compensation for dam ages on the grounds that Palworld, a game developed and released by the Defend ant, infringes multiple patent rights. Nintendo will continue to take necessary actions against any infringement of i ts intellectual property rights including the Nintendo brand itself, to protec t the intellectual properties it has worked hard to establish over the years. 東方最強法務正式對帕魯開發商開吉! 看來已經夠肥了,可以宰了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/XBOX/M.1726704865.A.9E2.html
honestyer: 養套殺 肥了 09/19 08:15
jo7915106: 跟XBOX的關係是? 09/19 08:45
freaky2586: 家機版目前只有Xbox 09/19 08:48
jo7915106: 原來xbox可以玩,一直以為只有steam 09/19 08:49
Chricey: 葉黃素 09/19 08:49
faang: 而且是首日XGP 09/19 09:54
Hasanieer: 慘 難得有xbox主機獨佔的遊戲,被老任掐死了 09/19 09:54
alanjiang: 笑死 09/19 10:02
Chricey: uc2功效 09/19 10:02
unorthodoxy: 2樓是不知道這個是家機XGP獨佔嗎 當時引領帕魯風潮 09/19 10:10
Muilie: xbox沒差吧,暴熱期訂閱賺到了,帕魯都跑去找索尼開公司 09/19 10:16
Muilie: 了 09/19 10:16
Chricey: 益生菌推薦 09/19 10:16
xBox1Pro: 過氣遊戲 沒人要玩了 09/19 10:18
TETUO: 任天堂法務出動啦! 09/19 11:00
angelpeace: XSX那時玩體驗不好,聽說是舊版的試玩 09/19 12:31
Kroner: 精胺酸功效 09/19 12:31