看板 MRT
(代PO) 您好 ! 本團隊為台北捷運委外App新功能開發之設計團隊, 預計招募 「使用過台北捷運Go」App功能的5-10位使用者, 進行新功能測試與短訪(約30-40分鐘, 禮卷面額300$) 如您有意願參與, 歡迎填答下方問卷, 題目不涉及個人隱私資訊, 感謝協助填答! https://forms.gle/w216nHpLpQbkqxP18 *此訪談會依據表單填選結果進行初步篩選 團隊聯絡: 林小姐 ([email protected]) Hello! Our team is responsible for the development of new features for the outsourced Taipei Metro App. We are planning to recruit 5-10 users who have used the "Taipei Metro Go" App to participate in testing the new features and short interviews (approximately 30-40 minutes, provides 300 NTD ). If you are willing to participate, please feel free to fill out the questionnaire below. Form: https://forms.gle/w216nHpLpQbkqxP18 The questions do not involve personal privacy information. Thank you for your assistance! *Participants for this interview will be preliminarily selected based on the form responses provided. Team Contact: Ms. Lin ([email protected]) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MRT/M.1692512431.A.96C.html ※ 編輯: cchs31 ( 臺灣), 08/20/2023 15:18:53