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備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除 1.媒體來源: 外媒 sciencealert 2.記者署名: By CARLY CASSELLA 3.完整新聞標題: New Species of Magic Mushrooms Discovered in Africa Are Unknown to Science NATURE 非洲發現的新種迷歡菇類是科學未知的 4.完整新聞內文: New Species of Magic Mushrooms Discovered in Africa Are Unknown to Science NATURE 12 July 2024 By CARLY CASSELLA P. maluti. (Cullen Clark) Planet Earth is home to possibly hundreds of species of magic mushroom that contain the hallucinogen, psilocybin. Systematic fieldwork surveys of the genus, Psilocybe, however, are "entirely lacking" for many regions of the world. 非洲發現的新種迷幻菇類是科學未知的 自然 2024 年 7 月 12 日 經過卡莉·卡塞拉 P. maluti。 (卡倫克拉克) 地球可能是數百種含有致幻劑裸蓋菇素的神奇蘑菇的家。然而,世界許多地區「完全缺乏 」裸蓋菌屬的系統性實地調查。 Now, a new paper describes two species of magic mushroom in southern Africa that are wholly new to science. That brings the total number of reported Psilocybe mushrooms on the continent from just four to six. One of the species, called Psilocybe maluti, is the first scientifically documented magic mushroom with traditional, spiritual uses in Africa. 現在,一篇新論文描述了南部非洲的兩種神奇蘑菇,這對科學來說是全新的。這使得非洲 大陸報告的裸蓋菇總數從四種增加到六種。 其中一個名為Psilocybe maluti 的物種,是第一個有科學記錄的、在非洲具有傳統精神 用途的神奇蘑菇。 P. maluti was originally photographed in 2021 growing on cow manure in the Free State province of South Africa. The golden caramel cap of the fruiting body was collected by self-taught mycologist Daniella Mulder, who sent the unusual looking specimens and some images of them to mycologist Breyten van der Merwe from Stellenbosch University in South Africa for further morphological and genetic analysis. Psilocybe maluti, photographed in the Kingdom of Lesotho, 31 December 2021. (Cullen Clark) P. maluti最初拍攝於 2021 年,生長在南非自由州省的牛糞上。子實體的金色焦糖帽是 由我自學成才的生態學家Daniella Mulder 收集的,她將這些看起來不尋常的標本和一些 圖像發送給南非斯泰倫博斯大學的真菌學家Breyten van der Merwe進行進一步的形態和 遺傳學分析。 When it was determined to be a new species, another self-taught mycologist named Cullen Clark along with scientists at Stellenbosch went searching for other mushrooms like it. They found matching specimens in the Kingdom of Lesotho, a landlocked nation fully surrounded by South Africa. 當它被確定為一個新物種時,另一位名叫卡倫·克拉克(Cullen Clark)的自學成才的真 菌學家與斯泰倫博斯的科學家一起尋找其他類似的蘑菇。他們在萊索托王國發現了配對的 標本,萊索托是一個被南非包圍的內陸國家。 The team got in touch with Mamosebetsi Sethathi, a traditional healer of the kingdom's most prominent ethnic group; the Basotho people. Sethathi kindly shared their traditional uses for the fruiting bodies of P. maluti. According to anecdotes, local Basotho healers called lingaka (plural) or ngaka (singular) consume the conically capped mushrooms as part of spiritual tradition. Basotho shamans, called linohe, use the mushrooms to "foresee the future". 團隊聯繫了 Mamosebetsi Sethathi,他是該國最著名民族的傳統治療師。巴索託人。 Sethathi 善意地分享了P. maluti子實體的傳統用途。 根據軼事,當地的巴索托治療師被稱為 lingaka(複數)或 ngaka(單數),食用圓錐形 蘑菇作為精神傳統的一部分。巴索托薩滿巫師(稱為 Linohe)使用蘑菇來「預見未來」 。 Other healers, known as ngaka-chitja, occasionally use the mushrooms in association with their "vast knowledge of herbs and remedies" to treat others. Along with the psychoactive plant Boophone disticha, the magic mushrooms are steeped in a strong tea known as koae-ea-lekhoaba, which is sometimes used in traditional medicine or hunting poison. 其他被稱為 ngaka-chitja 的治療師偶爾會結合他們「豐富的草藥和療法知識」使用蘑菇 來治療他人。迷幻蘑菇與具有精神活性的植物 Boophone disticha 一起浸泡在一種名為 koae-ea-lekhoaba 的濃茶中,這種茶有時用於傳統藥物或狩獵毒藥。 When a patient drinks the brew, they enter a "trance-like state" and are placed in front of a reflective surface, so they may relay what they are seeing to the healer. The healer then interprets the results and advises the patient on how best to proceed. 當病人喝下啤酒時,他們會進入一種“恍惚狀態”,並被放置在反射表面前,這樣他們就 可以將他們所看到的內容傳達給治療師。然後治療師解釋結果並建議患者如何最好地進行 治療。 "This appears to be the only recorded firsthand report of hallucinogenic mushrooms being used traditionally in Africa and the first mention of hallucinogenic mushroom use in Sub-Saharan Africa," write the Stellenbosch University led team. "The knowledge shared and discussed in this study has been passed down through generations by word of mouth." 斯泰倫博斯大學領導的團隊寫道: “這似乎是非洲傳統上使用致幻蘑菇的唯一有記錄的 第一手報告,也是撒哈拉以南非洲地區首次提及致幻蘑菇的使用。” 這項研究中分享和討論的知識已經透過口耳相傳代代相傳。 The other newly described species found in Africa has been named P. ingeli. Found in 2023 by amateur mycologist Talan Moult in a coastal province of South Africa, the fruiting bodies of this novel species were growing on grass enriched with cow manure toward the end of the rainy season. Psilocybe ingeli, photographed in Kwa-Zulu Natal Province, South Africa on 28 February 2023. (Talan Moult) 在非洲發現的另一個新描述的物種被命名為P. ingeli。業餘真菌學家 Talan Moult 於 2023 年在南非沿海省份發現了這種新物種的子實體,雨季即將結束時,其子實體生長在 富含牛糞的草地上。 The gills are light colored and the cap is dark compared to the species' closest genetic relative in Asia, called P. keralensis. Unlike P. maluti it has only been found growing in this one province. Researchers at Stellenbosch hope that their current paper will encourage further research into southern Africa's diversity of mushrooms. The lead authors, van der Merwe and microbiologist Karin Jacobs, say they are indebted to self-taught mycologists who are helping to survey Africa's Psilocybe mushrooms. 與該物種在亞洲的親緣關係最近的喀拉拉相比,傘摺呈淺色,菌蓋顏色較深。與P. maluti不同的是,它只在這一省份被發現生長。 斯泰倫博斯的研究人員希望他們目前的論文能鼓勵對南部非洲蘑菇多樣性的進一步研究。 主要作者范德默韋和微生物學家卡琳·雅各布斯表示,他們感謝自學成才的真菌學家幫助 調查非洲的裸蓋菇。 "There are only a handful of mycologists in Africa documenting local biodiversity," says Jacobs, who runs the lab at Stellenbosch. "Collaborating with citizen mycologists is therefore hugely beneficial. In addition to more material, collaboration also opens avenues for conversation and exploration, which can lead to documenting mycophilia (the love of mushrooms) on the African continent." The study was published in Mycologia. 「非洲只有少數真菌學家記錄當地的生物多樣性,」負責斯泰倫博斯實驗室的雅各布斯說 。 「因此,與公民真菌學家合作是非常有益的。除了更多的材料之外,合作還開闢了對話和 探索的途徑,這可以導致記錄非洲大陸的真菌癖(對蘑菇的熱愛)。” 這項研究發表在《真菌學》雜誌。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)不可用YAHOO、LINE、MSN等轉載媒體: https://reurl.cc/9vjaq8 6.備註: 你今天Blend W了嗎? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJfg39WkMvE
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cerberi: 蘑菇頭就要成真了嗎 07/13 11:59
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